So we took a long break to deal with school, johnny law, and an untimely trip to Jupiter, so sorry about the lack of posts over the two months. Since we last left you, the '07 resurgence of the lo-fi indie rock variety had reached obnoxious new heights with the release of Wavves. A s/t affair released by solo guitarist Nathan Williams, Wavves hail from Southern California and their sounds hearken the landscape quite well. Admittedly at first I was all about some Wavves, rocking out to "I'm So Bored" at work while my partner in crime and fellow blogger, Tom, was not sold at all. Well after a few months I have to say that my stance has changed greatly and Tom well I'll give him this one... in the ass HA! While Williams definitely has a sense of punky urgency in his jams, it also suffers from his mostly abhorrent "wooh, wooh's" I have heard since that song "Diamonds and Guns" by the Transplants. Wavves have a few things going for them, one being that most ignorant blokes would assume the band are in a league of their own and "trailblazers" of some sort... too bad for Wavves they will never be the pro basketball team in Portland. Bands like Guided by Voices have been doing the lo-fi shuffle for years and on a much higher level, Wire had the scuzzy , sophistipunk thing down before you were pooping in yr diapers Nathan. Sure the usual suspects (cough PF cough) are slobbering all over this stuff and all the hipster-children (aged 11-23) are dancing to the six-stringed, muffled sway but I'm not sold (anymore) because this group is just another riding the dying wavves of regurgitated and watered down styles of yesteryear.
Since I'm a stubborn bastard (at least most of the time) I will leave the readers with this laughable nugget from a Wavves set at the recent Primavera fest in Barecelona, Spain. The best part is at around 2:13... Also be sure to subscribe because we plan on posting every single fucking day... Best. Summer. Job. Ever!
Since I'm a stubborn bastard (at least most of the time) I will leave the readers with this laughable nugget from a Wavves set at the recent Primavera fest in Barecelona, Spain. The best part is at around 2:13... Also be sure to subscribe because we plan on posting every single fucking day... Best. Summer. Job. Ever!
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